Analysis of sampling pid 1430 every 10.000000 milliseconds Call graph: 189 Thread_100f 189 start 189 _start 189 NSApplicationMain 189 -[NSApplication run] 189 -[NSApplication sendEvent:] 189 -[NSWindow sendEvent:] 189 -[NSControl mouseDown:] 189 -[NSButtonCell trackMouse:inRect:ofView:untilMouseUp:] 189 -[NSCell trackMouse:inRect:ofView:untilMouseUp:] 189 -[NSCell _sendActionFrom:] 189 -[NSControl sendAction:to:] 189 0x3427f8 189 -[TheCrashAndThePizzaWheel makePizza:] 189 -[TheCrashAndThePizzaWheel makePizza:] 189 Thread_1103 189 _pthread_body 189 forkThreadForFunction 189 -[NSUIHeartBeat _heartBeatThread:] 186 +[NSThread sleepUntilDate:] 186 syscall_thread_switch 186 syscall_thread_switch 2 -[NSArray makeObjectsPerformSelector:withObject:] 1 -[NSObject(NSMainThreadPerformAdditions) performSelectorOnMainThread:withObject:waitUntilDone:] 1 -[NSObject(NSMainThreadPerformAdditions) performSelectorOnMainThread:withObject:waitUntilDone:] 1 -[NSWindow flushWindow] 1 ripc_Context 1 CGSDeviceSynchronize 1 CGSDeviceSynchronize 1 _NSRemoveHandler2 1 _NSRemoveHandler2 Total number in stack (recursive counted multiple, when >=5): Sort by top of stack, same collapsed (when >= 5): -[TheCrashAndThePizzaWheel makePizza:] 189 syscall_thread_switch 186 Sample analysis of process 1430 written to file /dev/stdout Sampling process 1430 each 10 msecs 300 times