File Juicer

File Juicer for macOS


To register your copy of File Juicer, open it and chose "Registration..." from the File Juicer menu.

Pick Registration... form File Juicer's menu

If you have already bought your copy of File Juicer you have received your serial number by email and you click the "Registration..." button. If you have not yet bought File Juicer you click "Buy Now".

File Juicer's registration window looks like this:

enter the registration

Check list: why the serial number may not work

I recommend that you use Copy (watch 6 sec video) and Paste (watch 4 sec video) to get your name and the serial number from the email to File Juicer. They are great functions for this, but you can type both if you prefer.


You can contact me by email. I will reply as soon as possible (I live in Denmark - Central European Time).

Echo One
Henrik Dalgaard,
Rosenfeldt 40
3600 Frederikssund

Phone: +45 47383921