File Juicer
File Juicer for macOS
Overview of Formats

Search & Extract


jpg jpeg 2000 gif png pdf wmf emf tiff eps pict bmp


mov mpeg avi wmv


mp3 wav System 7 au aiff


ascii rtf html


avi cab cache chm dmg doc emlx exe ithmb m4p mht mp3 pdf pps ppt raw swf wps xls zip and other formats

MP3 files

ID3 Tags

File Juicer can extract artwork from MP3 files. While the ID3 standard recommend JPEG and PNG it allows for other formats as well. File Juicers raw text extraction will also find the text parts of the ID3 tags, but to get better access to the metadata ask iTunes

Wikipedia on ID3 tags

MP3 inside other formats

MP3 files can be found embedded in other file formats, PowerPoint, Word, EXE files etc, and in this case File Juicer can extract the MP3 file from those formats.

Damaged MP3 files

One special feature of MP3 files is that it can be clipped into pieces (by corrupt disk or other errors) and audio from both halfs can still be extracted and saved in individual files.

Album Wrap

Album Wrap (.albw) files are a special variation of MP3 files, made by splicing together several MP3 files into one. File Juicer can split such files and name them if they still have the ID3 tags present. "ALBW" is likely not used as an extension, but as a part of the file name.

iTunes and mp3

You can ask iTunes to give you information about mp3 or AAC files with AppleScript.

iTunes and Coverflow

iTunes can not only store album artwork in ID3 tags, but also in ITC files which is made to make Coverflow fast and smooth.