File Juicer
File Juicer for macOS
Overview of Formats

Search & Extract


jpg jpeg 2000 gif png pdf wmf emf tiff eps pict bmp


mov mpeg avi wmv


mp3 wav System 7 au aiff


ascii rtf html


avi cab cache chm dmg doc emlx exe ithmb m4p mht mp3 pdf pps ppt raw swf wps xls zip and other formats

.iso - Disk Images

Normally you can get to the contents of an ISO file by double clicking it. It should then show up in Finder just as if you put a CD in your Mac.
If the ISO file has been damaged File Juicer may extract files from it, but this should happen rarely.

To create an ISO disk image "mymix.iso" for a folder "MyMix" you can use the Terminal application and type this command:

hdiutil makehybrid -o ~/Desktop/mymix.iso ~/Desktop/MyMix
You can burn the .ISO to a CD with Disk Utility.

Wikipedia article: ISO 9960