File Juicer
File Juicer for macOS
Overview of Formats

Search & Extract


jpg jpeg 2000 gif png pdf wmf emf tiff eps pict bmp


mov mpeg avi wmv


mp3 wav System 7 au aiff


ascii rtf html


avi cab cache chm dmg doc emlx exe ithmb m4p mht mp3 pdf pps ppt raw swf wps xls zip and other formats

pr2, pr3, pr4 - Aldus/Adobe Persuation

File Juicer should extract images from Aldus Persuation files. If they are in JPG, PNG or GIF (and maybe PICT) format.

Likewise text may be extracted in rather raw format, so cleanup and removal of junk text is needed

Legacy Format

Persuation was last released in 1996, so few of these files exist. You are welcome to send me some for testing!

Wikipedia about Aldus/Adobe Persuation

Contact: Henrik Dalgaard
Echo One