File Juicer
File Juicer for macOS
Overview of Formats

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jpg jpeg 2000 gif png pdf wmf emf tiff eps pict bmp


mov mpeg avi wmv


mp3 wav System 7 au aiff


ascii rtf html


avi cab cache chm dmg doc emlx exe ithmb m4p mht mp3 pdf pps ppt raw swf wps xls zip and other formats

QXD - Quark Express Files

File Juicer can extract some images form Quark Express, but many will be damaged. Quark chops up the files in pieces and stores it in an internal format which is undocumented.

To extract images or text from Quark Express, I recommend Adobe Indesign which can open Quark files, and save them as PDF. The PDF can then be fed through File Juicer.

If you have Quark Express, you print to PDF directly and drop it through File Juicer afterwards.
