File Juicer
File Juicer for macOS
Overview of Formats

Search & Extract


jpg jpeg 2000 gif png pdf wmf emf tiff eps pict bmp


mov mpeg avi wmv


mp3 wav System 7 au aiff


ascii rtf html


avi cab cache chm dmg doc emlx exe ithmb m4p mht mp3 pdf pps ppt raw swf wps xls zip and other formats

PEF - Pentax Raw Images

Many of Pentax's digital cameras can shoot images in raw format which contains everything its sensor sees. The PEF format can also contain a JPG version of the same image.

File Juicer can extract the JPEG version in the simplest possible way without conversion. You also have the option of using this with File Juicer's Automator action.

This is done the same way File Juicer extracts JPEGs from PowerPoint and Word files. A simple search through the file finds both the low resolution thumbnail and the higher resolution JPEG which is stored inside.

Performance Tip: Uncheck all the formats if File Juicers preferences you don't want to look for, if you know that File Juicer should only search for JPEG files.

To convert and work with the raw data and convert it to other formats you can use dedicated professional applications like: